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About Right 2 Thrive

Our mission is to break the cycle of poverty through multi-generational empowerment and education.


Right 2 Thrive believes that education and skills training are keys to breaking the cycle of poverty. Lack of parental education leads to minimal income, which results in the parents’ inability to care for themselves and their families. A child’s education is a luxury too few living in poverty can afford. When children are unable to attend school because of a lack of school fees, they inevitably become the next generation of uneducated residents continuing the cycle of poverty.

Our goal is to break the cycle of poverty through multi-generational empowerment and education of adults and children in the community of Dagoretti, in Nairobi, Kenya. We aim to help residents embrace their own worthiness, become empowered and learn new skills so that they may reach their full potential.

What We do

We support the Dagoretti Community in Nairobi, Kenya

The Dagoretti South Constituency is an extremely low-income area of Nairobi. Formal employment is rare as most residents run small-scale businesses or work as casual laborers. Fifty-five percent of the adult population is unemployed. Approximately fifty percent of youth won’t complete secondary school. Most residents live in shanties on rented land. There are several poorly run, overcrowded informal and public schools and a few private schools. Running water is scarce and there is no formal waste disposal system. Dagoretti has a small hospital and several clinics, but because most cannot afford the visit, residents seldom seek medical attention or are indebted to their healthcare providers.


Trauma Informed Programs

Trauma Healing with Emotional Intelligence

Our programs are rooted in emotional intelligence training and trauma healing to enable families to meet their own basic needs, overcome financial problems, and maintain mental wellness to thrive in life. 


We offer our students and their families:

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

  • Emotional Intelligence Training

  • BodyTalk Therapy (Energy healing)

  • Coaching and mentoring 

Breaking the Cycle of Poverty

Multi-Generational Empowerment

We work with the whole family to help both generations break the cycle of poverty. We do this with home visits, parenting skills training, and through our economic empowerment training program.

We offer students and their families:

  • Family counseling

  • Individual coaching and mentoring

  • Emotional Intelligence Training

  • Business Skills Training (to start a new business and/or to enter the workforce)


Education Scholarships

Uninterrupted Learning

We provide comprehensive education scholarships that cover:

  • education fees (tuition, field trips, lunch)

  • supplies 

  • uniforms 

  • healthcare

  • trauma counseling

  • tutoring

  • coaching & mentoring.

Youth Empowerment

Practical Skills for Real Life

Our Youth Empowerment program is designed to teach the essential life skills, such as emotional intelligence, mental wellness, and body awareness which are not covered in the core academic curriculum. 

Our Youth Empowerment Program provides:

  • After school life skills training 

  • Sports (including equipment)

  • Play equipment and toys

  • Counseling

  • Mentoring and Coaching

  • Training for the parents of our students (over 500 families reached through this program)

To sponsor this program, please email us here:


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Economic Empowerment

Income Generating Skills

The Economic Empowerment program covers business start-up training, business enhancement, and workforce readiness. At the core of all three courses is heavy emphasis on emotional intelligence. This program is needed now more than ever given the current global economic situation. We are actively seeking corporate sponsorships to help us teach these essential skills to un/under employed adults living in Dagoretti South, Nairobi.

To sponsor this program, please contact us regarding packages ranging from $500 to $10,000.

Email us here:


Meet the Team

The Faces of Right 2 Thrive


Judy Kerubo Ogoti

Community Relations Manager

Kerubo joined Right 2 Thrive as a student in 2013, then worked as an Intern and Program Assistant before becoming the Community Relations Coordinator and now Manager. Kerubo now manages all of R2T's social media, our university internship program, and relationships with other community-based organizations.

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Joyce Mathenge

Sr. Programs Coordinator

Joyce joined Right 2 Thrive as a student in January 2013. She took both handcraft classes (paper bead and crocheting) and then business classes. Upon completing all classes she joined our staff as the Paper Bead Instructor. Joyce now works across all programs as the Senior Programs Coordinator.


Annete Ngari

Programs Coordinator

Annette joined Right 2 Thrive as a Kustawi student in 2014 and in October 2016 joined our team as the Youth Empowerment Program Assistant. Annette has progressively grown in her role with R2T is is now working across all programs as the Programs Coordinator.


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Human Resources Assistant

Daphine joined Right 2 Thrive as an intern in 2016. Her drive to learn new skills motivated her to establish a formal HR department for R2T. In addition to her university education, she sought information through journals and online trainings which led to her promotion and increased responsibility working directly with the ED.

Janet Patry, Founder


Right 2 Thrive was founded in 2009 by Janet Patry after she spent several weeks volunteering at a children’s home in Nairobi, Kenya where the children were not in school due to lack of fees. Upon returning to the United States, Janet started the charitable organization to pay school fees for the children and improve their living conditions. Janet later discovered many of the children were not orphans but had been abandoned by their families because of extreme poverty. To reunite the children with their families and help the entire family break the cycle of poverty, Janet relocated from New York City to Nairobi in June of 2012. Utilizing her experience as a Life Coach and Emotional Intelligence Instructor she designed and implemented R2T's Empowerment Program which consisted of personal empowerment, income generating skills training, and business workshops with a one-on-one mentoring component to help families earn a stable income and provide for themselves.


As Right 2 Thrive's Executive Director, Janet's primary responsibility is to acquire and protect the resources necessary to implement programs that help families holistically rise above their circumstances in thought, emotion, and action. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, is an accomplished Human Resources professional, a certified Life Coach, a certified Master Trainer and Curriculum Developer, and most recently, a certified Body Talk Practitioner and Reiki Master.


Janet has many years of experience in coaching, team building, quality and performance improvement, and is now incorporating energy medicine into all her work to release emotional blocks within individuals and organizations to help them align with their purpose and vision.  Janet believes in the potential of the human spirit to rise above any and all circumstances and find a meaningful existence which is why she remains committed to her vision of a world in which all people embrace their right to thrive. 

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